04 Oct 2019
Need Inspiration Magician Jason Bird

Feeling Uninspired? 4 “Talks” That Will Re-Ignite Your Fire!

So, you’ve lost that loving feelin’- eh? That whoa-oh-oh, loving feelin’? Not to get too Righteous Brothers on you (and, quite honestly, if you don’t know who the Righteous Brothers are, go look up other decades of music before your generation so that you can enjoy music legends!) – but, it’s not gone, gone, gone.

We live in strange times, my friends. With so many voices clamoring on every social media and video outlet and blogging outlet – it can feel hard to push through the noise to raise your hand and get noticed. Not to mention, the world has gotten a little bit more chaotic, a little meaner. If you’re feeling like the world is a little less kind, more aggressive, less inspired, less motivated, more limited, less hopeful – I hear you. But, it’s precisely why you and your particular voice, presence – your MAGIC, if you will – is more important and necessary.

Take a moment of your time – won’t you? – to break away from the news cycles, the endless scrolling through social media. You won’t find the connection, the inspiration, the HOPE or confidence in yourself that you MATTER there. Grab a cup of Joe, an evening night cap, or your own brand of comfort and read, watch, or listen to these inspiring talks. I’ll include the transcript links too so that you can print them and attach them to your bulletin board. Let me know in the comments what resonated with you. I hope that you find your heart lamps light up & a renewed sense of feeling hopeful, courageous, inspired, and motivated to share your own unique magic with the world… and maybe pass the kindness on to others on your journey.

(*Stay Tuned for my NEW TEDxTalk / Keynote “Life is Magic: The Power of Wonder, Surrender, and Trust to Create a More Magical Life- A Magician’s guide to Happiness”)

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1. Make Your Bed: Adm. William McRaven

Admiral McRaven offered advice for changing the world from his 36 years of experience as a Navy SEAL: Ask for help when you need it, respect everyone, persevere through failures and, perhaps surprisingly, make your bed every day.

Transcript Here: https://news.utexas.edu/2014/05/16/mcraven-urges-graduates-to-find-courage-to-change-the-world/

For the boat to make it to its destination, everyone must paddle. You can’t change the world alone — you will need some help — and to truly get from your starting point to your destination takes friends, colleagues, the good will of strangers and a strong coxswain to guide them.

University of Texas Commencement Speech 2014
“Make Your Bed”, Admiral William H Mcraven

2. “Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life.” – Steve Jobs

Drawing from some of the most pivotal points in his life, Steve Jobs, chief executive officer and co-founder of Apple Computer and of Pixar Animation Studios, urged graduates to pursue their dreams and see the opportunities in life’s setbacks — including death itself — at the university’s 114th Commencement on June 12, 2005.

“Of course, it was impossible to connect the dots looking forward,” Jobs said. “You can only connect them looking backward, so you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future.”

Stanford University commencement address 2005
Steve Jobs

3. The Power of Vulnerability: Brene Brown

Brené Brown studies human connection — our ability to empathize, belong, love. In a poignant, funny talk at TEDxHouston, she shares a deep insight from her research, one that sent her on a personal quest to know herself as well as to understand humanity.

To let ourselves be seen, deeply seen, vulnerably seen … to love with our whole hearts, even though there’s no guarantee — just to be able to stop and, instead of catastrophizing what might happen, to say, “I’m just so grateful, because to feel this vulnerable means I’m alive.

The Power of Vulnerability
Brene Brown

4. You Need Emotional First Aid: Guy Winch

Are you aware of how your mind reacts to failure? You need to be. Because if your mind tries to convince you you’re incapable of something, and you believe it, you’ll begin to feel helpless and you’ll stop trying too soon, or you won’t even try at all. “

Guy Winch

5. Success, Failure & the Drive to Keep Creating: Elizabeth Gilbert

“If your job is to dance, do your dance. If the divine, cockeyed genius assigned to your case decides to let some sort of wonderment be glimpsed, for just one moment through your efforts, then “Olé!” And if not, do your dance anyhow. And “Olé!” to you, nonetheless. I believe this and I feel that we must teach it. “Olé!” to you, nonetheless, just for having the sheer human love and stubbornness to keep showing up. “

– Elizabeth Gilbert

Crave more Magic in your work, life, and play?

About Jason Bird

Jason BIrd is a Magician, Illusionist, and TV Host. He is also a Magic Creator and Consultant for television and Film. His upcoming projects include a US LIVE Tour and hosting a travel docu-series.

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