Join My Tribe

A Little Magic Can Take You a Long Way. - Roald Dahl

A Letter from Jason

Hey Magic Maker,

This is an invitation for you. If you love discovering stories that fill you with hope and experiencing magic that excites you  – then I invite you to join my tribe and sign up for my newsletter.  It is also the best way to keep up to date on my upcoming shows, television appearances, and announcements.

I  carry a deep inner knowing that life can be filled with magic and meaning and guide you to discover how to contribute your unique magic to a world in need of you.​  I’m on a quest to spark inspiration in your life and remind you of how cool it is to be alive.  With you, I will share stories, personal anecdotes, videos, photos, my daily practices and the tools I use in my life that will awaken you to everyday magic.  I’ll share behind the scenes of works in progress, travel adventures, and backstage moments before the curtain rises.

Join with me and a global community, from all corners of the planet, all walks of life, all ages, who, like you want to experience more magic, more soul, more connection.

Be well on the journey, my friends,



